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The Unique Angkor Villa

The Unique Angkor Villa (3 stars) is an accommodation with many amenities located at about 1 km from the center of Siem Reap. In this accommodation you can find affordable prices, from ₹3,030. The lodging has free wifi internet connection in all its facilities. These are some of the more relevant amenities offered: pool, parking, free parking, restaurant, air conditioned and car rental service. Its facilities are adapted to persons with reduced mobility. The Unique Angkor Villa offers a shuttle service from/to the airport.


Photo - The Unique Angkor Villa Photo - The Unique Angkor Villa Photo - The Unique Angkor Villa Photo - The Unique Angkor Villa Photo - The Unique Angkor Villa Photo - The Unique Angkor Villa Photo - The Unique Angkor Villa Photo - The Unique Angkor Villa Photo - The Unique Angkor Villa Photo - The Unique Angkor Villa Photo - The Unique Angkor Villa Photo - The Unique Angkor Villa Photo - The Unique Angkor Villa Photo - The Unique Angkor Villa Photo - The Unique Angkor Villa Photo - The Unique Angkor Villa Photo - The Unique Angkor Villa Photo - The Unique Angkor Villa Photo - The Unique Angkor Villa Photo - The Unique Angkor Villa Photo - The Unique Angkor Villa Photo - The Unique Angkor Villa Photo - The Unique Angkor Villa Photo - The Unique Angkor Villa Photo - The Unique Angkor Villa Photo - The Unique Angkor Villa Photo - The Unique Angkor Villa Photo - The Unique Angkor Villa Photo - The Unique Angkor Villa

Price by night

You can book your room in The Unique Angkor Villa from ₹3,030.


The Unique Angkor Villa reviews


Very good

There are 319 comments on this accommodation:

Location / Directions

Address: #558, Steung Thmey Village, Sangkat Svaydangkum. Siem Reap. Cambodia.


  • Adapted for persons with reduced mobility
  • Air conditioning
  • Airport shuttle
  • Animation for kids / kids club
  • Car rental
  • Free Wi-Fi
  • Free internet
  • Golf course
  • Parking
  • Parking free
  • Restaurant
  • Swimming pool

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