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G Guesthouse Itaewon In Seoul

G Guesthouse Itaewon In Seoul (2 stars) is an economical place for small budgets located at about 4 km from the center of Seoul. Offers a price by night in a double room starting at ₹5,483. The lodging has free wifi internet connection in all its facilities. These are some of the more relevant amenities offered: restaurant and climate control. About the remarcable places, close to National Museum of Korea.


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Price by night

You can book your room in G Guesthouse Itaewon In Seoul from ₹5,483.


G Guesthouse Itaewon In Seoul reviews


Very good

There are 554 comments on this accommodation:

Location / Directions

Address: 14-38, Bogwang-ro 60-gil, Yongsan-gu. 04406 Seoul. South Korea.