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Alexis Inn and Suites Hotel

Alexis Inn and Suites Hotel is a 2 stars accommodation located 9 km far from the center of Nashville. Offers a price by night in a double room starting at ₹10,806. Offers to its customers free wifi internet connection in all its facilities. Alexis Inn and Suites Hotel offers several amenities, being some of the most relevants: parking, air conditioned and fitness room. In addition this accommodation is adapted to provide disabled access.


Photo - Alexis Inn and Suites Hotel Photo - Alexis Inn and Suites Hotel Photo - Alexis Inn and Suites Hotel Photo - Alexis Inn and Suites Hotel Photo - Alexis Inn and Suites Hotel

Price by night

You can book your room in Alexis Inn and Suites Hotel from ₹10,806.


Alexis Inn and Suites Hotel reviews



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Location / Directions

Address: 600 Ermac Drive. TN 37214 Nashville. United States.